Monday, June 27, 2011

Can God’s love be really lost?

As Christians, we are given the task of rightfully dividing the word of truth. How do we divide the word of truth? By fully understanding how words are used in a sentence so that it would convey the right message it wants to convey. Our words are limited. Sometimes we use the same word to mean different things. And if readers perceive the wrong meaning, readers get the wrong interpretation.

In my previous entry, many probably wondered how God can say such a thing. Can He really lose His love for mankind?

Some of you who are familiar with the word of God might find it contradicting to how God described the kind of love He has for us.

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

So do we say that the prophets who told us that “God’s love for mankind is about to be lost” are false prophets? We do know that what the prophets say should always get in line with the written word. That is one of the ways we gauge the authenticity of the words the prophets speak.

However, we cannot get in to conclusions right away. We need to rightfully divide the word. I asked the Holy Spirit this question. Can God’s love be really lost?

I love it when He answers me with another question. He does not spoon-feed me. He lets me think.

“How do humans define love?” He answered.

What came to my mind immediately are the four kinds of love as we have identified it. We know the storge, eros, phileo and the agape love.

The kind of love that Paul wrote is the agape love. This is the unconditional love. This is the kind of love that God has for all His creation. He loves us unconditionally. He loves us no matter what. Nothing can separate us from His agape love. Agape love is also the kind of love that most modern churches preach.

But I believe the kind of love that is to be lost according to the prophets is the phileo love. I got this definition from

Phileo: This love cherishes and has tender affection for the beloved but it expects a response. It is a love of relationship, comradeship, sharing, communication and friendship. While eros makes lovers, phileo makes a close companionship that is all trusting. They share each other’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, plans and dreams. They confide in each other the most intimate secrets, fears and needs that they would not share with another. A marriage without phileo will be unsatisfactory no matter the passion in the bedroom.

So we can say that phileo love is the fellowship love. God’s fellowship to mankind is about to be lost. This makes perfect sense now.

God’s agape love can never be lost. That’s why He continuously gives out loving warnings from the letters He gives to His prophets. That’s why God is giving those who are left behind a chance to be saved although not as easy as during the period of grace. That’s why He will return again with His saints for those who have successfully passed through the fire of tribulation.

I also believe that even the souls who have gone to hell, He still loves because He cries every time He sees them. But He can’t do anything because it was their decision to be there. God’s unconditional love for us will never be lost.

But the fellowship can be lost. It is not God withdrawing it from us by Himself. It was our choice to separate from Him that’s why He will also make that choice.

God seeks for a relationship. And to maintain a relationship, one must fulfill the condition of the other party and vice versa. Now that man chooses not to fulfill God’s conditions, He will have to let go as well.

It is through that relationship that we stay protected from natural calamities. It is through that relationship that earth is free from catastrophic events now. When God ends that relationship, the earth will be shaken. And we will realize life without the protection of God over us.

This will happen according to His word. That’s why before He do this, He is calling out those who have kept a close, intimate relationship with Him. As He has promised, He will bring them to safety before He unleashes His anger upon the whole world. And He still invites more to come. What a loving God we serve!

Let us pray that those who have not yet made a decision make a quick decision to choose God in this last second.

1 comment:

  1. He reaches out to the world through us! What an awesome task, but one which we can do only because of His amazing grace.
