I am so thankful that every year, the Lord never fails
to make a better version of Ryan.
Looking back at my posts in this blog was so nostalgic.
The journey I had with the Lord starting from the first blog
post until now is so incredible.
From a sinner to a saint,
a church critic to a church lover,
an end-time messenger to a messenger of God's love,
judgment focused to mercy focused,
church-goer to church leader,
blogger to preacher.
Some posts don't represent my core beliefs anymore.
Some posts are filled with unseasoned words.
One thing is constant though, the subject of God's faithfulness.
God never gave up on me despite errors and sins.
That's why I'll keep these posts as a memorial to thank God
for lavishing on me His great love.
What Jesus said in John 15:5 is true.
I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.
God gave me the grace to remain
And in remaining, much fruit appeared.
I may not be the best version yet but I can't help but see
that throughout the 10 years in my faith, I've grown.